Halbordnungsbasierte Verfeinerung zur Verifikation verteilter Algorithmen
The topic of this PhD thesis is the stepwise refinement of distributed algorithms. Stepwise refinement starts with a simple algorithm with certain desired properties. This algorithm is refined step by step such that the desired properties are preserved in each refinement step. The result is a complex distributed algorithm which satisfies concrete implementation requirements and which still has the desired properties. We propose a new property preserving notion of refinement which is based on the causal ordering of actions of an algorithm. We call this notion transition refinement and we define it first for elementary Petri nets. Furthermore, we discuss proof criteria. Then, we define and discuss the simultaneous refinement of several transitions. For modelling complex distributed algorithms, we use algebraic Petri nets [Rei91] instead of elementary Petri nets. We define transition refinement for algebraic Petri nets, and we show its relationship to simultaneous transition refinement in elementary Petri nets. Transition refinement is particularly suitable for refinement steps in which synchronous communication between agents is replaced by asynchronous message passing. We show this by means of a complex distributed algorithm for determining the minimal spanning tree of a weighted graph [GHS83]. We prove the correctness of this algorithm in several steps. Some of these steps are transition refinements. For other steps, well-known notions of refinement are sufficient. Therefore, we also carry over a well-known notion of refinement into our formal model.
منابع مشابه
Entwurf und Verifikation von Petrinetzmodellen verteilter Algorithmen durch Verfeinerung unverteilter Algorithmen
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Formale Verifikation eingebetteter Systeme
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